Miranda Hyatt Orme

As humans, we are seekers of knowledge. Knowledge sources control which gives us access to manipulation. Consciously manipulating the effect of our subconscious gives us the power to utilize time in the most fine-tuned way.

These squares are documentation of my mental state during their creation. For the visual product of this piece to be a representation of my subconscious, I treated the process of the work like an equation and assigned my subconscious the role of the variable. To do this I neutralized possible external manipulators for each set of squares. The amount of time I had to draw them and the environment in which I did stayed the same. Leaving the variable as that of my mental state unaltered by external input. The imperfections in the squares are a reflection of their mental state. They are a visual representation of my subconscious in a fixed setting. The color, shape, and lines are all indicators of the type of signals my brain was sending my hand as I drew these squares.

This piece is grasping at the manipulation of time, through control over perception.