May 9 to May 29, 2022

Location: Parkview Gallery

Presented by: Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto

Reception Date:
Thursday, May 12, 2022, 7 pm to 9 pm

Where the East met the West from the first century BCE to the 1450s CE, the calligrapher’s paper predilection began its travels from the Far East to the Middle East and finally to Europe and the rest of the world.

With the recent shock to our sociability, we celebrate the coming together of many people through the trade of paper and ink. In recent times, we’ve been transporting via digital roads, but we are so excited to be live once more. Dreaming of aromatic spices and banners of rich and vibrant textiles, we are intoxicated by an array of exotic impressions and colours.

We hope to offer a glimpse . . .